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Author: Dr Nature

Sleep is an integral part of the daily human routine—People spend about one-third of their time doing it.  Quality sleep means getting enough of it at the correct times. It is as essential to survival as food and water.  Allow your body enough time each night to recharge. Start with attempting to get 7 – 9 hours of quality sleep every night. People are all different about the amount of sleep we require to operate optimally. However, the average 7 – 9 hours is a great place to start. Regarding the research paper, "Friday, 6 October 2017,": 40% of Australians aren't getting enough sleep each night. Researchers from Neuroscience Research Australia (NeuRA) have highlighted the importance of sleep for mental health and wellbeing as Mental Health Week begins.   People are now suffering less sleeping time than they did in the past, and sleep quality has dropped for many reasons. Please be aware of the following five reasons that why good sleep is essential. 1. Poor sleep quality affect skin aging Regular sleep is essential for good health and vibrant skin. Research paper showed that one night of poor sleep could cause: Hanging eyelids Swollen eyes Darker under every circle Paler skin and reduced skin elasticity More wrinkles and fine lines More droopy corners of the mouth. Onset of hair loss Collagen production/aging process It turns out and sleep does affect your skin condition. The simple fact is the body repairs itself and recovers when you sleep. Therefore, anything less than the recommended

Dr. Nature brand has taken part in The Wellness Show 2019, and received large attention and interests from consumers, retailers and exporters. The expo is the Australia’s largest Wellness Show. Over 60 leading health and wellness companies participate. Most of the visitors can discover the latest technologies and practitioners who are leading the health and wellbeing revolution. Over thousands of visitors attended this show every year. Dr. Nature displays four of its core products – Brain & Heart Support Premium, 4 IN ONE JOINT, Grape Seed 55000mg and Liver Detox 36000mg. The products of Dr. Nature have attracted many visitors who paid attention to the benefits. 300 gift bags have been given away at the first day of the show. Our sales team are working very hard with passion and patience, giving as much information as they can and answering all enquiries to the best of their knowledge.